Visitors flock to see stained glass window in Malmesbury dedicated to Blessed Carlo Actus

St Aldhelm’s in Malmesbury has announced that it is proud to be the first parish in the country to feature a stained glass window dedicated to Blessed Carlo Acutis. Known as “The Millennial Saint,” Carlo was just 15 when he died of Leukaemia, but this young computer programmer has left a powerful legacy that continues to inspire young people around the world.

Carlo was a devout child with a deep love for the Blessed Sacrament and the Rosary. He rarely missed an opportunity to attend daily Mass, and his dedication and faith continue to inspire thousands of young people worldwide.

Although not yet canonised, London-born Carlo can be venerated in a church with special permission from the local diocese after being declared Blessed. With this aim in mind, permission was obtained to erect this window in 2022. Excitingly, the second miracle attributed to Carlo has been approved, paving the way for his canonization, with the date yet to be decided.

Fr Thomas Kulandaisamy JCD, Parish Priest of St Aldhelm’s, Malmesbury, explained that St Aldhelm’s found itself at the centre of national attention in May 2024, thanks to an inspiring piece run by The Daily Telegraph. The article, titled “The video game-loving teen who was made a saint – and immortalised in a Wiltshire church window.”

“On the day, Malmesbury shopkeepers found themselves in a bit of a tizzy. Suddenly, copies of the newspaper were flying off the shelves faster than free samples at a cheese festival,” said Fr Thomas.

“Bewildered, they wondered what on earth could be causing the frenzy. Apparently, the local fascination with this modern-day saint had reached fever pitch, and everyone wanted a piece of the action — or at least a copy of the Telegraph!

“The piece highlighted the church’s dedication of a window to Carlo Acutis, the teenage tech enthusiast turned saint. The parishioners and the town is immensely proud of this moment, which has not only put their church on the map but also drawn visitors from across the country.”

The article noted that the window depicts Carlo in a contemporary light, complete with a modern watch and mobile phone, symbolising his unique blend of modernity and piety. This installation was a thoughtful choice to resonate with younger generations.

The window gained significant attention after Pope Francis informally announced that the second miracle attributed to Carlo was going to be approved, clearing the path for his sainthood. This announcement amplified the interest in Carlo’s story, drawing even more visitors to the church.

Since the publication of the Telegraph article, St Aldhelm’s has seen a surge in visitors. Many are drawn specifically by the story of Carlo, eager to see the window that so beautifully captures his spirit.

“He spoke to young people,” says Father Thomas, highlighting the significance of choosing Carlo for the window. This newfound attention has filled the church with an air of excitement and reverence, as parishioners and visitors alike gather to admire the window and reflect on Carlo’s legacy.

The window itself, crafted by stained glass artist Michael Vincent, has become a focal point for both locals and tourists. Its presence not only enhances the church’s aesthetic but also serves as a powerful reminder of Carlo’s enduring influence. The artist has even prepared an additional pane to update Carlo’s title from “Blessed” to “Saint” upon his canonisation, reflecting Father Thomas’s firm confidence in Carlo’s sainthood.

The link to the article can be found here:

“We truly believe that with the window and its appeal to young people and young families, St. Aldhelm’s will become a hub for reflection and spiritual growth,” said Fr Thomas.

“It will be a place where young people can gather, reflect on their own lives, and consider how they can dedicate themselves to God, initiating and making progress on the path to holiness. We have placed a kneeler in front of the window, providing a space for prayer and a place to leave their prayers and petitions, as well as responses to answered prayers.

“We have composed three sets of prayers for the intercession of Blessed Carlo. The first prayer is designed for children aged 1-13 years, the second for youth aged 14-20 years, and the third  for adults. Each prayer is tailored to resonate deeply with its intended age group, ensuring that everyone, from the littlest believers to the wisest among us, can seek Blessed Carlo’s guidance in a way that speaks to their hearts.

“Over the past three years, our efforts have been focused on the project of constructing a parish hall. This endeavour is crucial because our parish has never had a dedicated space for catechesis, children’s education, and social gatherings. As we strive towards this goal, having already raised nearly half of the required funds, we are filled with hope.

The recent influx of visitors, especially young people and children drawn to Blessed Carlo, the young saint, highlights the urgent need for such a facility. This hall will serve as more than just a physical structure; it will be a place where our youth can gather, deepen their understanding of Blessed Carlo’s life and teachings, and grow spiritually. It will empower them to embody holiness and spread the light of faith wherever they go.”

To learn more about the parish and this project: