Leading anti-slavery campaigner recognised with honorary degree

A human rights activist and leading anti-slavery campaigner has been awarded an honorary degree from Liverpool Hope University.

Sr Imelda Poole IBVM was conferred a Doctor of Humane Letters at a graduation ceremony held at Liverpool Cathedral on Thursday 25 July.

She received the award in recognition of her internationally recognised work to combat human trafficking and her dedication to ending modern slavery through her roles with the Mary Ward Loreto Foundation and the charity she co-founded, Religious in Europe Networking Against Trafficking and Exploitation’ (RENATE).

Sr Imelda is President of the Mary Ward Loreto Foundation, a non-profit organisation aiming to eradicate human trafficking in Albania and the UK. The Foundation provides immediate shelter and care to those rescued, whilst also running a number of programmes with highly vulnerable and exploited communities to prevent future trafficking.

This role led to Sr Imelda co-founding RENATE, a non-governmental organisation of European religious women from 30 countries combating human trafficking. She previously served as President of RENATE and under her leadership the organisation significantly improved religious sisters’ support to victims of human trafficking, and strengthened the religious orders’ cooperation with law enforcement to bring perpetrators to justice.

Sr Imelda’s dedication to fighting human trafficking was recognised in 2018 when she was awarded an MBE in the Queen’s Birthday Honours List for her achievements and services to end modern slavery. Further recognition came in 2021 when she received the Trafficking in Persons – TIP Hero Award from the United States State Department.

Sr Imelda Poole said: “I was astonished to find out I had been recognised with this award. I am deeply honoured and it feels almost surreal.

“This is an honour which I accept on behalf of the dedicated staff of Mary Ward Loreto in Albania and the many female religious and co-workers across Europe in the network RENATE. Together, combatting human trafficking, can be made real.

“May this privileged award from Liverpool Hope University, highlight even further the terrible crime of human trafficking which, as Pope Francis has declared, is a crime against humanity itself.”

Professor Claire Ozanne, Liverpool Hope University Vice-Chancellor, said: “We are delighted to recognise Sr Imelda’s dedication to eradicating human trafficking and modern slavery with this honorary degree.

“It is a richly deserved award for someone who has devoted her life to the service of others and who embodies the values we cherish at Liverpool Hope University.

“The impact of Sr Imelda’s work is undeniable. She has made an outstanding contribution in the fight for human rights and we are honoured to acknowledge her in this way.”