On the Feast Day of The Assumption there are so many reasons to celebrate Every Child’s Birthday

In the busy world in which we live, the celebration of a birthday can often pass in a fleeting moment. Of course some will have more significance than others, but it’s worth remembering that any birthday celebration reflects a moment that brings us joy, connection and a sense of achievement. It is also an opportunity to express gratitude, growth and even the celebration of life itself.

For Sister Elena Belarmino and the Sisters of Mary, the 15th August is always a very special day. Not only is it the Feast of the Assumption of Blessed Virgin Mary, but it is also the day each year on which the Sisters mark Every Child’s Birthday, when the 20,000 children in their care each receive a cake and a small present and enjoy a party as a reminder that they are loved and cherished.

This year’s celebration will also be particularly special as it marks 60 years since the foundation of the Sisters of Mary and the Every Child’s Birthday event.

The celebration was first started by Ven. Fr Aloysius Philip Schwartz, an American Catholic priest who ran charity programmes for poor orphans in Korea, the Philippines and Mexico, and founded the Sisters of Mary of Banneux.

Fr Al had a deep commitment to nurturing the poor children in his care, most of whom had experienced extremely difficult and challenging early lives, and often had no idea of the date of their birthday. In creating the annual 15th August Every Child’s Birthday celebration on the Feast Day of the Assumption, Fr Al ensured that every child he was responsible for was acknowledged and appreciated.

Now, 60 years on, the Sisters prepare several months ahead for this special day, taking an hour in the evening each night to individually wrap a birthday gift for each child in their care and adding tags signed by donors. With more than 20,000 children this is an enormous job, but it is a labour of great love and means the absolute world to the children.

“Though they come from difficult situations, once they are accepted in our schools, their eyes are opened to new experiences of having their own bed, own personal things, school supplies, dental and medical care, nutritious food, water, electricity, a place to play and re- create. They feel they belong to a family with the Sisters’ loving care,” says Sr Elena, who is Superior General of the Sisters of Mary.

The motto at the Sisters’ schools is ‘the glory of God is man fully alive’ and in their care the poorest children receive holistic care to help them recover from their early lives, grow and thrive. A good education also helps them onto a better future where they can be independent and help themselves, and their families, onto a better, poverty free future.

“This year, we celebrate 60 years of love and service,” said Sr Elena.

“Our mission is not easy. There are a lot of challenges but with God‘s grace and your support, we continue to expand. You are God‘s instruments of love. Hand in hand we move on, making this world a better place to live, announcing to everyone that if we share and care, there should be no fear of violence and war, not the climate change that we are afraid of, but a bright future for the children, who are the hope not just of the next generation but also of the present.”

As this year’s event is so special the Sisters have been delighted to receive warm words of encouragement from Fr Christopher Vipers, who is Director of the Agency for Evangelisation for the Diocese of Westminster.

“I am so happy to be sending this special message to all of you on this wonderful day of celebration,” said Fr Vipers.

“This is the day when we celebrate the glorious mystery of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary into heavenly glory. But what makes this day even more joyful is the celebration of your birthdays too. I wish I could be there to share your joy!”

Fr Vipers also passed on a lovely prayer to the Holy Spirit that Pope Francis recently included in a Letter to all the Children of the World:

Come, Holy Spirit, show us your beauty,

reflected in our faces and the faces of children all over the world.

Come, Jesus, you make all things new,

who are the way that leads us to the Father,

come and remain with us always.


In wishing the Sisters, their support organisation World Villages for Children, and all the children in their care a very special Feast of the Assumption and 60th Every Child’s Birthday, Fr Vipers concluded: “May Mother Mary pray for you, and may God bless you always.”

You can also take part in this year’s very special celebration with a simple donation that will help give the gift of an education to a child in need. Your special gift will support the cost of educating every child, as well as providing a small birthday gift and helping to give them a bright future.

“We need your support more than ever,” said Sr Elena.

“As sisters go two by two to the peripheries of the countries where we work, there are a lot more children living in misery and danger, begging for help and we cannot just shrug our shoulders and turn our back on them.

“We count on your help as we continue to pray for you. God bless you.”

Your donation can make a real difference by funding school places and the everyday care needed for boys and girls to help them and their communities achieve a normal and happy life.


Joriz’s Story

Joriz’s early life

Joriz’s parents separated when he was young. Joriz and his four siblings lived with their grandparents for a while until their mother could care for them again.

“My mother, working as a garbage collector, struggled to make ends meet. The financial strain often left us without basic necessities, I helped my mother to recycle waste before and after my class. There were days when I had to attend school on an empty stomach. Despite these hardships, I learned the value of perseverance and the importance of education. These experiences ignited a fire within me, driving me to strive for a better future and to break free from the cycle of poverty.”

When his mother remarried, his stepfather was cruel towards him and his siblings. Seeking safety and a chance at an education, Joriz came to the Sisters of Mary, searching for a way to improve his life and the lives of his younger siblings and their mother.

Life at school

When we were able to fund a place for Joriz with the Sisters, he finally found safety. A place where he does not need to work to help his family put food on the table, but can rest securely and focus on his education. Joriz loves learning, especially languages, and dreams of providing a more stable future for his family.

Joriz has the chance to make a better life, free from poverty and deprivation, thanks to the education he is receiving.

“The Sisters of Mary School became a beacon of hope for me. It offered a haven for aspiring students like me, providing free education, food, shelter, spiritual education, and a supportive community. It was within the walls of this school that I learned valuable life lessons, resilience, and the power of dreams. Despite the hardships I have faced, I never lost sight of my goals. I developed a determination to fight for a better future and dream big, not only for myself but also to uplift and support my family.”