Out now: New history book on St Mary’s College, Oscott

Before she retired Professor Judith Champ was Church History Lecturer and Academic Tutor at St Mary’s College, Oscott. She is also a Dame of the Order of St Sylvester. The award exists to recognise lay Catholic men and women whose professional work is of great service to the Church, to the wider community and to the country.

St Mary’s College, Oscott: A Historical Guide
By Judith Champ

“This brief history of St Mary’s College, Oscott draws on many years of historical research, and my long experience of Oscott life,” says Judith.

“Since the late 1970s, I have researched and written on aspects of the College’s history, and I taught courses on the history of the Church as part of the seminary programme from 1981 until 2021. I am now aware of becoming a part of the College’s history myself, as the first woman to be appointed to the formation staff, in 1998, and to be awarded a personal professorship in 2017.

“The recording and writing of Oscott’s history however, is by no means finished, and further publications will follow this one, exploring in more detail aspects of the events, and particularly the lives of people, which have shaped over two hundred years of Oscott history. The key to understanding and appreciating the history of St Mary’s College, Oscott is the Latin phrase taken from Psalm 127, which is literally set in stone at the base of the tower, visible from the quadrangle: Nisi Dominus aedificaverit domum, in vanum laboraverunt qui aedificant eam. (Unless the Lord builds the house, those who build it labour in vain).”

The book can be ordered from Oscott College by emailing enquiries@oscott.org

Cost £5.00 + £2.50 P&P


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