Durham primary school delighted with CAFOD LiveSimply Award

St Godric’s Primary School in Durham were thrilled to be awarded the CAFOD LiveSimply Award.

The children, supported by their school and church community, committed to make changes in their lives to live more simply, sustainably and in solidarity with their global and community neighbours.

During the last twelve months the children have all taken part in global, community and school-based projects to care for their common home and stand in solidarity with their sisters and brothers around the world.

Mrs McNally explained, ‘Our children are passionate about helping others and protecting their environment. They have eagerly supported numerous charities which have impacted their lives and participated in recycling activities.’
‘We wrote prayers to show how we would live simply and have supported lots of charities this year to help those in need.’ James, Y5.

Stay and Pray sessions enabled the children to spend time with family and friends which included opportunities to take part in sustainable craft activities. Other pray and social activities strengthened the children’s relationship with the member of their parish family, The Parish of the Durham Martyrs.

All of the children’s actions were supported by the CAFOD Catholic Social Teaching principles which helped them understand and refect on the choices they made.

