Bishop issues special message of prayer and unity ahead of Racial Justice Sunday

Racial Justice Sunday is a special day of prayer in the Catholic Church, which focuses on the need to oppose racism and pursue racial justice with renewed vigour.

Taking place on Sunday 16th February, the theme for Racial Justice Sunday is: “Pilgrims of Hope: Our Journey Together Towards Racial Justice”.

The theme invites Catholics across England and Wales to reflect on the collective journey towards racial justice in our schools, parishes and wider society.

Bishop Paul McAleenan, Lead Bishop for Racial Justice, offers a short message for Racial Justice Sunday:

“2025 is a very special year. It marks both a Year of Jubilee and the 30th anniversary of Racial Justice Sunday.

“This year, we invite the Catholic community to reflect on the journey towards racial justice – past, present and future – by asking: ‘How far have we come, where are we now and what remains to be achieved?’

“Just as pilgrims must prepare for their journey and be properly equipped, we, too, need all that is necessary to propel us towards racial justice – the mind of Christ; examination of our progress and of the challenges that remain; a willingness to learn from one another together; and prayers for and on the journey.

“It is my hope that our Racial Justice Sunday 2025 resources will not only assist but inspire the People of God to continue walking and praying together on the path to racial justice.”

Full transcript of Bishop McAleenan’s message:

Welcome everyone, wherever you are.

2025 is a special year. It is the 30th anniversary of Racial Justice Sunday – a day in England and Wales to reflect on Racial Justice, pray for it and consider how we can ensure all God’s people are treated equally and with respect.

This is also a Year of Jubilee – a time to put things right, especially our relationship with God, with each other and with the earth. In 2025, we are called to be Pilgrims of Hope.

It is an ideal time to think more deeply about racial justice in our schools, in our parishes and in our community, our society.

Pilgrims always travel together. When pilgrims set out on a journey they know where they want to go, their destination. Our desire and destination is justice and fair treatment for everyone. No matter a person’s race, colour, or background, our Catholic faith teaches that we are all equal.

To everyone watching this video, I ask you to be Pilgrims of Hope on our journey towards racial justice. In your school – build good relationships, learn more about racial justice, and commit to prayer and action.

In your parish, be Pilgrims of Hope in our journey towards racial justice by exploring how your local Church community can better reflect the diversity of your area. Welcome newcomers and address challenges and opportunities with sensitivity and understanding.

Be Pilgrims of Hope towards racial justice in society by advocating for Racial Justice where you live.  We are to imitate the love of Christ by the way we think and how we treat others.

On any pilgrimage you need some equipment to help you on your journey, for example, a strong pair of walking shoes. For this pilgrimage towards racial justice, we need the Holy Spirit to guide and inspire us. We need faith, we need love and – we need hope, that is, being confident in Christ’s promises and his faithfulness. Christ travels with us on our journey.  In this Jubilee Year, let us all be Pilgrims of Hope on the journey towards the goal of racial justice. In our schools, in our parishes and in our community.

Thank you and God bless all you do.
