Vice-Chancellor of Liverpool Hope addresses MPs on university’s education strategy
Professor Claire Ozanne spoke to MPs at the House of Commons on January 10. The address focused on higher education being a key driver of social mobility and formed part of an event hosted by the Purpose Coalition for Liverpool Hope and Liverpool John Moores University.
Liverpool Hope is one of four Catholic universities in England.
Professor Ozanne said that although universities were rightly known for pushing the boundaries of research and academic rigour, they were also about bringing opportunities to all, building a fairer society and changing people’s lives.
“Liverpool Hope University works hard to break down barriers to opportunity so that people from disadvantaged socio-economic groups can realise the benefits that a university education presents.
“Central to our strategy is our commitment to providing an education that transform lives and we are proud that 54% of our students come from areas of multiple deprivation and go on to achieve good degrees and become confident graduates.
The theme of the event was ‘unlocking potential through partnership’ and Professor Ozanne emphasised that universities are at their best when they work in partnership with external stakeholders both regionally and nationally.
“From the research that we carry out, to embedding the skills that employers need within our curriculum we want to ensure that we are providing students with the tools to make a difference not only to their life opportunities but also those of their families, their communities and broader society.”
The event saw the launch of a brochure to showcase some of the work that Liverpool Hope and LJMU are doing with partners and stakeholders in the region. The case studies include an overview of important work that Liverpool Hope is doing with student-led law clinics, developing the use of AI in education and action against poverty to name just a few.