Theologians team up with LifeSiteNews this Lent to explore prayer life and love of God

If you’ve often yearned for a deeper prayer relationship with Christ, best-selling author David Torkington has some profound and helpful advice to give you.

David’s spirituality is both Franciscan and Carmelite, and he has written 12 books, selling 400,000 copies over the years, as well as delivering four highly-respected courses in prayer and mystical theology.

What David encourages everyone to do is begin with the spirituality, the prayer life, that Jesus Christ Himself taught to His apostles.

With Lent starting tomorrow, he has joined forces with LifeSiteNews, the international online Catholic news service, to present readers with an eight week online retreat aimed at deepening prayer and developing a closer relationship with Our Blessed Lord.

“The Lost Art of Prayer — Praying as Christ Himself Showed Us” is a Lenten video retreat in which you can participate at home. Blessed by Bishop Athanasius Schneider, the series of videos will focus on love — God’s love for us and our response to Him.

“The goal is not just to inspire a momentary renewal but to foster a lifelong journey toward contemplative prayer and communion with Christ,” says David.

Those who sign up for the retreat will receive an email each week from March 5 with the latest episode.

The retreat will be led by David and LifeSite’s own John-Henry Westen. On Ash Wednesday, Bishop Schneider himself will take part. In Weeks 2 through 8, Catholic author and former sports reporter Kevin Wells will join David and John-Henry.

You can purchase a download of the retreat handbook, Passport to Perfection, here.

“One of the strengths of the retreat is that you will be able to choose the hour in which you “meet” with David and John-Henry and schedule the sessions around your other Lenten observations,” says David.

There is no charge for the eight week retreat, and you can register here: