The Sisters bringing hope, support and God’s love to the traumatised people of Lebanon

This World Mission Sunday (20th October), Pope Francis reminds us of Christ’s call to each one of us to ‘go and invite everyone to the banquet’. Our mission is to be instruments of God’s love, to share the Gospel; not just locally, but across the world. Missio, the Pope’s charity for world mission has sent this report from Lebanon, where economic instability and a new stage in the country’s conflict means families are now living under the constant threat of rockets and gunfire …

Bordering with both Syria and Israel, Lebanon is sadly no stranger to violence and instability. In many areas, people are traumatised by the constant threat of rockets and gunfire, and thousands of refugees fleeing conflict have escaped over the borders. Disturbingly, armed conflict is brewing within Lebanon itself. With the ongoing economic crisis and threats to agriculture, hunger and job loss are a reality for many.

Bringing compassion and help


In Baalbek, many families grapple with poverty, lack of infrastructure, and poor sanitation. Young people have little hope for the future, andmanyelderly and disabled people struggle to survive without practical help.

Amidst these difficulties, missionaries like Sr Jovanna of the Sisters of the Forsaken Jesus are making a difference. Supported by donations from the global Missio network, they offer compassion and practical assistance to the community, regardless of background or belief. They are committed to letting everyone know that they are not alone.

Their projects include helping to cover healthcare costs and transport for hospital appointments for people who are sick or living with long-term illnesses and disabilities. They also provide financial support for young people to complete their education.

“With the economic crisis, it is really hard for young people,” says Sr Jovanna. “We are dedicated to helping those most in need to complete their studies.”

The Sisters have also started ‘Tuesday Meals’, a weekly initiative to cook and share meals with families in need of hope and friendship.

“We prepare delicious food for older people and families,” explains Sr Jovana.

“Two Sisters deliver hot food to those who are sick, elderly, or who struggle to cook for themselves because of physical or mental disabilities. Our aim is to support and share a bit of love and care with families that are in real need. As long as we have food for ourselves we will always share it, by God’s grace!’

Loyal to our mission

Sr Jovanna wants everyone to know they are invited to God’s banquet, to take part in a community of faith and share in the love, compassion, and mercy of knowing Christ.

“We remain loyal to our mission by keeping families and youths as our priority,” she says.

“We dedicate ourselves to doing everything possible to support and help them, preserving their dignity and hope. We asked for your help, trusting the words of our Lord, who said, “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you” (Matthew 7:7).

“On behalf of all the people we walk alongside, we thank you and all your donors for your support. We ask our Lord to award you many blessings in return.”

Be part of World Mission Sunday

World Mission Sunday is a globally celebrated moment of grace. It’s a chance to pray and give to support our sisters and brothers in Christ who live in areas of poverty, conflict, and oppression.

Every parish, school and community is invited to join this special event. And every penny, pound, and prayer you give to Missio helps missionaries everywhere continue their work.

Thanks to your generous donations and prayers, Missio will be able support Sr Jovanna and her Sisters in bringing help and hope to families in great need.

Help missionaries around the world this World Mission Sunday by donating here