Discover your inner prophetic voice by joining the Oxford Carmelites for their ‘Becoming Prophets’ online course

The concept of being a ‘prophetic voice speaking at the heart of the tumult of the world’ has been central to the Carmelite tradition since its foundation in the 12th century. The order draws much of its inspiration from the Old Testament prophets Elijah and Isaiah, whose dynamism and zeal made them the most beloved prophets in the Bible.

Today, in a world that is heavy with personal challenges and complexities, the words and teachings of the prophets carry renewed meaning and inspiration as we navigate our earthy journey. Most importantly, they talk of not only what is needed, but of what is possible, and what we might contribute.

When the scroll of the prophet Isaiah was handed to Jesus in the synagogue in Nazareth, he unrolled it to reveal an edict to go out and proclaim, “good news to the poor … freedom for the prisoner … recovery of sight for the blind … to set the oppressed free … and to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favour.” (Luke 4:17)

Just as Jesus fulfilled the proclamation of Isaiah, so too can we follow in his footsteps and those of the prophet Isaiah – by being witnesses to God in society, and being a voice for the marginalised and vulnerable. We do this through proclaiming the Word of God, but equally by listening – a true prophet listens just as much as they preach, for it’s just as important to understand what the world is telling us, and what the people of God are crying out for.

Becoming a prophet in these challenging times is no easy task, and requires the ability to discern, to contemplate and to dream. This is done by learning from the prophets, listening to one’s own inner voice and by allowing God’s holiness to enter into our innermost being. Only then can we head out into the wilderness of the great tumult and proclaim God’s infinite love and wisdom to the awaiting world.

It is this state of divine connectedness and understanding that has been the goal of the Carmelites down the centuries, and that forms the inspiration of their work today.

Taking the scroll of the prophet Isaiah as its foundation, the Carmelites at Boars Hill Priory near Oxford have developed a unique and highly engaging online project called The School of Prophets, which aims to help participants – individually or as a community – to exercise more fully their Baptismal commission to serve as prophets to our world, and to our Church.

Over a series of 15 ninety minute online sessions participants are invited to reflect on our current reality, and to practice listening to the Holy Spirit in discerning a prophetic response to the world we live in.

“The programme encourages a prayerful engagement with current social reality, fostering critical thinking from a spiritual perspective that addresses causes, and not simply effects,” said Fr Alexander Ezechukwu OCD, who is the prior of the Carmelite community at Boars Hill.

“Prophets operate at the boundaries between the religious and the social. This requires gathering input from a wide spectrum of sources, contemplating and processing these within the rich guidance of scripture and tradition, and making God’s presence and desires alive in the world.

“Our frequent on-line sessions allow for building relationships and confidence in a community growing and learning together how to witness the movements of the Holy Spirit at this time.”

The School of Prophets‘ 2025 Becoming Prophets course is Catholic, ecumenical and inter-disciplinary and carries a strong communal emphasis. Led by a religious and lay team, the Programme facilitators bring their insights and lived experience as lay and religious members of the Church to enrich the conversations with course participants.

One of the key themes of the course is Daring to dream with the audacity of Christ’s incarnation, and this very much summarises both the intention and content of this powerful series of online engagements. Commencing on 10th November the first five sessions will develop the participant’s powers of contemplation and inner strengths, before moving onto an in-depth exploration of discernment, reading the signs of the times and the essentials of forming a prophetic voice. The final five 90 minute sessions will look at how what has been learnt can be applied to the world we live in, and the circumstances we might meet.

All too often in our spiritual lives we find ourselves living in a kind of dark, internal isolation where our uncertainties and fears can often overwhelm even the strongest inner desire to express and demonstrate the love of Christ in what we do and whom we meet. The Boars Hill Becoming Prophets course recognises and explores these hopes and feelings, not least because it’s an inner journey that the team themselves have had to take. The inspiring and uplifting sessions they provide are designed to encourage you to grow in friendship with Jesus, to enhance your capacity for a life of witness to Christ and to nurture your inbuilt capacity for prophetic vision.

“Prophets not only tell truths that in God’s name must be spoken,” said Fr Alex, “They also conjure the latent potential for healing, wholeness, and holiness that reside in each human person created in the image of God.”

If you would like to join the next Carmelites’ Becoming Prophets course, which starts online on 10th November, please click this link now to find out more:


• Some financial support towards the cost of the course may be provided for hardship cases by the Carmelites.