Blessed Pier Frassati is the man of the Eight Beatitudes, says Archbishop Wilson of Southwark

At a recent talk at Southwark Cathedral Achbishop John Wilson provided insight into the life of Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati and how we can grow closer to Christ through him. In a keynote talk at St George’s Cathedral, Archbishop John said Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati was the man of the “eight Beatitudes” and the man who lived “these beautiful, sweet blessings of Christ so beautifully in his life”.

Archbishop John has been a long admirer of Blessed Frassati and over the years has got to know his family. The Archbishop told the story of how Blessed Frassati lived his life, as a devotee to the beatitudes, who lived each day in service to the poor.

As an example of Blessed Frassati’s act of charity, Archbishop John told a story about a time Pier Giorgio had given his coat away. When questioned by his father why he had done this, Pier Giorgio simply replied “the man I gave it to was cold”. Archbishop John said this response is “straight from the Gospel” and an example to us all.

In his inspiring talk, Archbishop John drew on Blessed Frassati’s love of the Eucharist. He said the “daily reception of the Eucharist” was the “foundation” of Blessed Frassati’s life. The Archbishop said: “He loved the Lord Jesus in the Eucharist. It nourished him. It sustained him”.

The Archbishop said it was this relationship with the Eucharist that empowered Blessed Frassati to “be the presence of Christ to others”. Blessed Frassati, was an “Apostle of Charity” Archbishop John said, adding: “In prayer and daily Eucharistic union, he drew light and strength to fight the good fight and complete the race of life. Responding serenely to the sudden call of God as a soldier of Christ”.

It was this love of the Eucharist, Archbishop John highlighted, that led to Blessed Frassati being so devoted to the poor. Quoting Pier Giorgio, who said: “Jesus pays me a visit in Holy Communion every morning. And then I return to the gift by visiting him in the poor”.

Archbishop John said this is “the most beautiful way of demonstrating that what we receive in Christ, we give in Christ, and we give to Christ”. This, the Archbishop explained, is a “reminder and a spur to young people” to follow a similar path.

Over 250 people came to St George’s Cathedral to hear Archbishop John deliver the talk, and take part in an evening of Adoration and worship.

The talk by Archbishop John was concluded with him leading a prayer asking for Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati’s intercession.

It has been reported that Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati is to be canonised in 2025, as part of the Year of Jubilee.

The talk was organised by the Southwark Catholic Youth Service. On their website you will find upcoming events, including regular Eucharistic Adoration and Young Adults Mass.