Cardiff primary becomes first school in Wales to win CAFOD’s Live Simply Award

Pupils and staff from Christ the King Primary School in Cardiff have become the first school in Wales to achieve the LiveSimply award confirming that they are living simply, sustainably and in solidarity with communities around the world experiencing poverty.  

The award, championed by the international aid charity CAFOD, was presented to the Catholic school after they successfully planned and implemented faith inspired actions that highlighted the importance of caring for people and the planet. Their actions have had a positive impact throughout the school, in their local community, and globally too, as they reached out to make a difference.

Some actions included a ‘Disconnect to reconnect’ day, a Parishioner Afternoon Tea and Swap shops. A particularly memorable event was our whole school participation in CAFOD’s Big Lent walk – we thoroughly enjoyed coming together, sharing prayers and walking through our school community.   The school also focuses on charitable actions throughout Lent and Advent with charities including the Birth Partner project, the Parish foodbank and CAFOD’s World Gifts.  The whole school took part (approximately 220 pupils) and events were organised by the Mini Vinnies and some other Senedd groups (e.g. Eco-School and Rights Respecting).

“This award has really enabled our pupils to take ownership of caring for the world around them,” said Mrs Susan Miles, the Headteacher.

‘They have been able to look after our common home by swapping and sharing their own belongings, donating to local and global charities and helping others in our parish community. It is so important that even from a young age, children understand that by living simply they can make a difference to the lives of others and take care of the wonderful gift of God’s world.”

Alex from Year 5 said “Sometimes we don’t think we can make a big difference with what is happening in the world but this project shows that we can.  I really enjoyed the activities we did together as a whole school and that we have learnt more about the words sustainably, simply and solidarity.”

Mrs Helen Oyston, (Religious Education Lead) who led the LiveSimply journey, said: “This has been a whole school effort.  We are so proud of all members of our school community for putting their faith into action. It would be wonderful to see many more schools throughout Wales work towards achieving the award, learning about and responding to the teachings of Pope Francis.” 

CAFOD’s LiveSimply Coordinator for Schools, Siobhan Farnell, said: “Congratulations to the pupils and staff on achieving the LiveSimply award. Their actions are wonderful examples of caring for others and our common home and we wish them well as they continue to live simply, sustainably and in solidarity with communities around the world experiencing poverty.”

Find out more about the LiveSimply award for schools here

CAFOD is the official aid agency for the Catholic Church in England and Wales, and part of Caritas International. Across the world we bring hope and compassion to poor communities, standing side by side with them to end poverty and injustice. Because we work through the local Church, we can reach people and places that others can’t.