
Channel 5 documentary explores the Catholic politics of the Gunpowder Plot

As every school pupil knows, Guy Fawkes was a member of a group of provincial English Catholics involved in the

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Radio presenter returns to his old Catholic school to showcase knife crime film

Having family and friends killed in knife attacks has inspired a broadcaster to try filmmaking in a bid to

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Catholic school head and half-term Sahara trekkers raise £43K for local hospice

The new Headteacher of Blessed Thomas Holford Catholic College in Altrincham has completed a 50km trek through the Sahara

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Coventry primary school recognised for its work on inequality

Pupils and staff from St Patrick’s Catholic Primary School, Coventry, which is part of the Romero Catholic Academy, have

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Second Vatican Council explored in Liverpool Hope Distinguished Lecture Series

Catholic theology is featuring strongly in a distinguished lecture series featuring a wide range of inspiring and educational talks

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Bishops Call On Government To Prioritise The Poor And The Common Good

With the UK Government’s Autumn Statement imminent, the Bishops’ Conference’s Department for Social Justice has released a statement on

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Listening rather than talking needs to be the next stage of the synodal journey, says Joseph Kelly

As the many Participants in the XVI Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops pack their bags and

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On world day of prayer, Gaza parish priest says his parishioners will unite with Pope in prayer

The Holy Family Catholic Church has been turned into a sort of hope-filled refugee camp in the Gaza Strip,

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Youngest Synod delegate gets personal permission note from Pope to skip university classes

The youngest member of the synod assembly is confident that the Holy Spirit is guiding the Synod of Bishops,

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27 Years on, Anscombe Centre raises worrying trends in Oregon’s assisted suicide system

Today marks 27 years since the implementation of Oregon’s Death with Dignity Act in 1998. In that time, as

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Liverpool Hope lecturer stars alongside Ricky Tomlinson in new feature film

A Liverpool Hope University lecturer is part of an all-star British cast for a new feature film which premieres

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General Assembly to the People of God: The Church must listen to everyone

Those taking part in the XVI Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops have approved a Letter to

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