
If you are a Catholic educator who is wondering where on earth life might be going, today is the day when we say ‘we are with you’

As happens every year, the annual ‘readjustment’ from summer holiday randomness to rigid school routine is a wrench for

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WORLD: ‘Miracle’ at US Catholic school leads cancer survivor to launch paediatric charity foundation

Few young people can claim to have distinctly felt the healing touch of God or to have survived major

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As World Mission Sunday approaches, Missio explains what last year’s donations enabled

Last year, supporters of World Mission Sunday in England and Wales came together in generosity and faith on World

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Pope Francis has surprise ‘shadow boxing’ encounter with Holywood legend Sylvester Stallone

Pope Francis found himself shadow boxing this morning (Friday 8th September) in a light-hearted encounter with Hollywood legend Sylvester

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In Letter for Education Sunday, Bishop Marcus Stock praises dedication of all those who work in Catholic schools

The Bishop of Leeds has given his thanks for all those who “have governed, led, taught and supported the

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Documents identify thousands of Jews hidden by Catholic religious during Nazi occupation of Rome

A new discovery at the Pontifical Biblical Institute (known as the Biblicum) brings to light how Catholic institutions in

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As Catholic peace groups lobby arms fair, Bishops criticise “immoral” sale of weapons for profit

Every two years, the global arms trade comes to London. The Defence and Security Equipment (DSEI) Arms Fair, one

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Catholic charity Aid to the Church in Need denounces “tipp-exing of religion” from Manipur conflict

A Catholic charity has strongly condemned narratives of the recent conflicts in Manipur which eliminate all mention of the

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Silent prayer is “not unlawful” says Home Secretary, while two UK ‘thought criminals’ await justice

After months of controversy over freedom of thought in the UK, the Home Secretary has clarified that “silent prayer,

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Catholic PSNI officers being ‘urged to bring weapons to Mass’ after data breach scandal

The Chair of the Catholic Police Guild says he has been advising Catholic members of the Police Service of

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Catholic bishops lend their support to March For Life as thousands gathered in Parliament Square

Several Catholic bishops were among clergy and other national figures who took part in the 2023 M4LUK march. Catholic

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Liverpool’s St Margaret Clitherow Centre to host Catholic Multi-Academy Trusts Conference

On Friday 13th October, the St Margaret Clitherow Centre in Croxteth, Liverpool will be the venue for a conference

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