
Giant cross made of wood from IRA bomb-damaged church raised on West Yorkshire hillside

A large wooden cross has been raised on a hill overlooking Otley in West Yorkshire ahead of Easter. The

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Bishop David McGough – Requiescat in pace

It is with great sadness we announce the death of Bishop David McGough, retired auxiliary bishop for the Archdiocese

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New Head of Safeguarding for the Archdiocese of Birmingham

Claire Reay has joined the Archdiocese of Birmingham as the new permanent Head of Safeguarding. She joined the Safeguarding

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Bishop Tom Williams retires from the Office of Auxiliary Bishop of Liverpool

In accordance with Canon Law Bishop Tom Williams submitted his resignation to the Holy Father, Pope Francis, following his

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Footsteps of St Paul pilgrimage across Greece is “journey of a lifetime”, says leading travel operator

Despite being one of the most popular countries to visit in Europe, few people who are attracted to Greece’s

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Place to Grow Horticulture Service is meaningful work at Westminster’s Caritas St Joseph’s centre

Caritas St Joseph’s is a place of personal growth for up to 180 individuals with learning disabilities, who come

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Cafod appoints Bishop Stephen Wright, Auxiliary Bishop of Birmingham, as its new chair

The official aid agency of the Catholic Church in England and Wales has announced Bishop Stephen Wright as its

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Guest blog: rehabilitation is always better than incarceration, says Pact prisons charity

The Government is carrying out its plan to increase by 20,000, the number of prison places over the next

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St Patrick is “a perfect patron for those who are human trafficked in the world today,” says Irish Bishops’ President

As celebrations for St. Patrick’s Day take place internationally today, 17th March, the President of the Irish Bishops, Archbishop

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Student at Cardinal Newman Catholic School, Hove has her asylum claim refused

A student from Cardinal Newman Catholic School (CNCS) in Hove has had her application for asylum refused by the UK Government.

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Vatican-China deal ‘not the best deal possible,’ top Holy See diplomat says

The Vatican’s foreign minister has said that the Vatican-China deal was “not the best deal possible” and that negotiations

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Baroness Masham, Paralympian and longest-serving female peer, dies aged 87

Baroness Masham, a Paralympian and the longest-serving female member of the House of Lords ever, has died aged 87.

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